Different kinds of COVID Tests available in Austria

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Starting 19 May 2021 the “new freedom” in Austria will be introduced. Throat swab, lollipop, “nose picker” and more: the variety of corona tests is now large, but not all of them are allowed as an admission ticket to various places like in restaurants, cinemas, hair saloons etc.

Access tests are something we’re already used to. The biggest news may well be that antigen self-tests that have been recorded by the authorities and entered into a data processing system will also open doors for you in the future – or at least should. Because, according to the Ministry of Health, the states themselves would be responsible for the digital version. In any case, once the self-tests have been entered and recorded, they are valid for 24 hours.

There will also be a “point of sale” variant, i.e. “on-site tests”: these are antigen self-tests that are only valid for one-time access on site, for example in restaurants. The tests must be carried out under the supervision of the respective premises operator. These are primarily intended for regions where there are no testing stations.

Antigen tests performed by trained personnel – i.e., those done in a test lane or testing center, at a doctor’s office or pharmacy – must be no more than 48 hours old, as before. And molecular biology tests – such as the well-known PCR tests are valid for 72 hours from performance.

For children up to ten years of age, the test result of the parents or legal guardian is valid; from ten years of age, the offspring need their own test result. In the future, there will also be a relief here: the school tests known as “nose-picker tests” will then also be valid as admission tests.

Different kinds of COVID Tests available in Austria
Gargling with an app
Gargle tests are available, for example, in Vienna with the “Alles Gurgelt” initiative: PCR test kits are used at home via cell phone app and video function. Pick-up and drop-off takes place in branches of the Rewe Group. An app is to be available to open up the catering trade, facilitating the mandatory registration of customers.
Door-opener self-test
Antigen self-tests, if digitally recorded, will in the future count as access tests for a maximum of 24 hours. In contrast, the “on-site tests” also planned from May 19 will only apply to one-time on-site access. For greater security, it would be better to be tested under supervision or by qualified personnel.
Pupils will get a COVID Test passport in the future
In the future, schools will be authorized to issue test certificates. Pupils will receive these in the form of a passport. Rapid antigen tests will be carried out every two days, which will then be documented in the passport by means of a sticker, thus opening the doors to swimming pools and the like to children for 48 hours. In future, a PCR or antigen test from an authorized testing center can also replace the school test for lessons; as usual, this test may be no more than 72 or 48 hours old on the relevant school day.

  • source: krone.at/picture: derstandard.de
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